Conferences are prime time for companies to launch new products or services, so if you are gearing up for a launch, here are critical steps to keep in mind.
1. Craft a compelling message
Figure out what makes your product special in the eyes of your prospects. Then, create a unique selling proposition that focuses on your prospect’s needs and how you solve them better than anyone else.
2. Synch up your website
Your website is your prospect’s most accessible source of information. Make sure your website is up to date with information on your new offering and speaks to your prospects in their terms.
3. Create buzz through PR
In most cases, you can build it and they won’t come – unless you draw them in. Create publicity to get the word out on your new product or service. Press releases, article contributions, blogs and proactive communications with the press are a must.
4. Create a brochure
A brochure is critical, particularly if you will be seeing prospects in person. Make sure it looks professional, clearly conveys your offering, and follows your company’s branding consistently.
5. Spread the word with email marketing
Email marketing can be a very cost-efficient form of outbound marketing as there’s no cost of printing, addressing or postage. If you have a database of contacts, use it!
6. Reach out with social media
In our industry, LinkedIn and Twitter can extend the reach of your message. Facebook, YouTube and other platforms can help, too. The key is knowing how to leverage social media, and doing so frequently. A single post every three months is of little use.
7. Advertise
When it comes to advertising, think out of the box, both in the medium you use, and in the ads you create. After all, the point is to not blend in.
Need assistance getting started, or simply with crossing the finish line? Just let us know. We can assist with every facet of marketing and publicizing your new product or service to help make it a huge success. Just email us at
By Rosalie Berg, President, Strategic Vantage