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Current New York Governor and former HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo said on Easter Sunday that in a crisis, we see “the good, the bad and the ugly” in people. He added that the good in people outweighs the bad. “I really believe that,” he said.

Just like the first responders—firefighters, police and paramedics—did after 9/11, the doctors, nurses, healthcare and grocery store workers on the “front lines” are now rightly being touted as heroes during the worst global pandemic since the Spanish flu.

We, as a nation, are in unprecedented territory. It is as surreal as The Twilight Zone and heading in a direction that nobody’s gone before. While analogous to science fiction, the situation is all too real.

The good news is that the housing finance industry is one of the good guys. Small and large businesses across the country—including real estate and mortgage companies—are sacrificing profits for the health and welfare of workers and consumers.

However, there is an underlying opportunity that can be as advantageous as historically low mortgage rates. Every media outlet—trade, local, national and social—has target audiences thinking about only one thing: COVID-19, and what is going to happen next. Unless we’re back from the future, there are no answers.

In an economic pandemic, companies and their CEOs have an opportunity to step up to the plate and offer their help and leadership with solutions, based on their years of experience, technical expertise and wisdom from past industry challenges.

Now more than ever, this is the time to speak up and to have your voice heard. What can you offer to help real estate and mortgage companies—and homeowners—keep their heads above water now and in a post-pandemic economy?

From a public relations perspective, companies need to examine how they are helping businesses problem-solve for social distance logistics, keeping processes in place while working remotely from home, adjusting to changes in legislation and regulations at a moment’s notice, and simply planning strategy in an environment of uncertainty.

During a crisis, it’s been proven that the good guys finish first in the eyes of the public and media. First responders helping people in need during the worst of times are justifiably branded with the label of “hero.” However, leaders who can communicate information with transparency, strength and humility can also provide a calming influence during an age of uncertainty.

For example, the real estate and housing finance industries can embrace the role as “good guy” by helping borrowers remain in their homes. In business to business, companies can help other companies through new technology solutions and operational expertise. And CEOs can provide thought leadership and advocacy based on their past experiences and wisdom gained from previous challenges.

The next few months will determine which companies and players step up to the plate and get noticed for helping to keep the real estate and housing finance industry moving forward and helping borrowers and homeowners survive this monumental crisis.

And above all, we need to believe that the good guys in this business will finish first.

If you’d like to have your voice heard, or your company’s voice heard, just reach out to us at or call (305) 971-6239. Through publicity, marketing and/or social media, we will get your message out there, right when you need it most.

By Mike Murray, Director of Communications, Strategic Vantage